Elite Roofing Blog

Preparing Your Roof for Springtime Rain

Caring for your roof is one of the most important things you can do for your home. Proper maintenance of a roof will prevent leaks and serious structural problems. However, most homeowners are not aware of how to check a roof, and many do not know what to look for when inspecting a roof. Hiring a Dallas roofing contractor is a great way to ensure your roof doesn’t have any problem areas that could increase the risk of leaks. Check for Signs

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Which Roofing Companies To Trust After A Bad Job

Choosing a Commercial Roofing Company after a Bad Experience It’s happened before. You’ve decided to hire a company or professional of some type and you had a horrible experience. Now you are apprehensive about hiring professionals again, afraid that you can’t trust them to get the job done. Elite Roofing and Consulting has heard your horror stories of bad roofing companies who made you distrust us all! You’ve spent big money on a roof

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3 Ways to Add Design to Your Roof

Dallas Roofing Trends- How To Add Design Are you planning to build a new home or do you need to select a new roof for an existing home? Working with a Dallas roofing contractor can help you identify the latest roofing trends including which materials are popular, color schemes, and styles to select. Composite shingles continue to rank as one of the top-selling roofing materials due to price, color schemes, and durability. Clay tiles are another

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4 Ways to Prepare for your New Residential Roof Installation

Preparing for Residential Roof Replacement Taking the news that your roofing needs replacement may be hard to hear but it is inevitable. Once you find signs of mold, water damage, and leaks there is little room for repair; the extent of the damage may be too great. If you are expecting a roofing contractor in Dallas to replace your residential roof, you may not know the process to prepare for the job. Just as the roofing contractor has things

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How To Install Roofing Felt

Installing Roofing Felt There are many steps included in installing a new roofing structure. It all begins with a solid decking foundation created from plywood or strand board. This plywood is not waterproof, which requires a waterproofing membrane called roofing felt, or also called tar paper. This paper forms with the plywood to create a barrier for moisture. The amount of waterfall in your area will determine the thickness of the moisture

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How To Shingle A House Roof

Properly Shingling Your Roof The roofing system is one of the most essential pieces to your home. Creating a watertight, weatherproof roof is necessary, however your roof won’t last for the life of your home. The best shingles money can buy will last you roughly fifteen years before they will need replacement. Here are the steps to properly replace the shingles on your home roof. Read More: 5 Different Types of Commercial

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Commercial Roofer in Dallas

Maintaining Your Commercial Roof Maintaining a commercial roof is important to prevent leaks and problems that can cause a business to be shut down for weeks during repair work. Commercial buildings are commonly ignored until there is a major problem. A commercial roofer in Dallas can perform routine maintenance to keep leaks from occurring. Don’t let a simple leak turn into a large problem that costs thousands of dollars to repair.

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About Metal Roofing

About Metal Roofing Metal roofing has become increasingly popular. As the price of asphalt continues to ride, the price of metal remains the same. Not only is the price steady, but also the metal roofing offers homeowners an assured quality. Learn More: Metal Roofing Durability Homeowners trust metal roofing due to its longevity. Metal roofing holds a life span of 50 years and longer; backed by a 35yr warranty on everything down to the

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Why Proper Roofing Ventilation Is So Important

Why is proper roof ventilation so important? Without adequate ventilation you can end up with too much heat trapped in the attic. An effective ventilation system will allow the heat to escape correctly and reduces your cooling bill. If you notice your cooling bill continues to grow each month, it indicates you have a ventilation problem. Hire a commercial roofer in Dallas, TX, to look at the concerns you are currently dealing with. Read

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Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing Systems

Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) is a single-ply roofing option growing popularity for its roofing advantages. This roofing is used for its energy-saving performance to lower energy use in both commercial and residential roofing.  TPO Durability TPO is a resilient option for durability due to its rubber nature. This installation offers great flexibility and movement to the roofing structure by having weldable hot air seams. Typically stronger

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